[big_event_about_us_1 title=”Fiesta del Sol “Bolsas“” title_color=”#ffffff” subtitle=”This year we are providing a piece of Fiesta del Sol for you at home. The Fiesta del Sol “Bolsas“ are a way of bringing memorable items to your home. The Fiesta del Sol “Bolsas“ are mercado style bags filled with curated items and resources for you to follow our Fiesta del Sol “En Casa“ activities with. Registration for Fiesta del Sol “Bolsas“ will begin Wednesday, July 1st at 12:00PM and close at 5:00PM on Wednesday, July 8th. Fiesta del Sol “En Casa“ will take place from July 30th-August 2nd, full schedule coming soon. Fiesta del Sol “Bolsas“ MUST be picked up on July 31st between the hours of 12PM-6PM, social distancing guidelines apply.” subtitle_color=”#ffffff”][/big_event_about_us_1]
Continue the tradition at home by posting the photos of your bags with #FiestaDelSolEnCasa and #FiestaDelSol on social media. Your posts will make the experience much better as we switch to virtual this year and showcase the beauty of our community and festival.

The images above are only a mock up of the bag, real bag design will be announced soon.