In May, Beto was driving back to Chicago with his friends after a camping trip. While passing through Iowa, local police stopped them and arrested them. Even though Beto is eligible for DACA, ICE detained him almost immediately after the arrest. Since then Beto has been fighting to stop his deportation and to be released from immigration detention and he is now suing the agency that is keeping him away from his family and preventing him from renewing his DACA. 

Help us get Beto home by signing the petition below, sharing the message on social media, and making your voice heard by calling the ICE Field Director in St. Paul, Minnesota demanding his release. See this message from one of the representatives from Organized Communities Against Deportation.

“Hello Comrades, 

On behalf of Organized Communities Against Deportations (OCAD) I’m reaching out to ask for your support in amplifying a lawsuit being filed today in support of Jesus “Beto” Alberto Lopez Gutierrez. 

Beto is a long time Chicago resident and a DACA recipient. In May, a traffic stop led to his detention in Iowa. For months, we have carried out a campaign asking for his release but despite overwhelming support from his community, Beto was issued an order of removal by an Immigration Judge in September. With the help of Beto’s legal team we identified grievances in the process and now we know the Government did not follow their own procedures. That is why  Beto and his community have decided to sue the parties involved in his unconstitutional and prolonged detention. 

To support Beto in his fight for liberation this is what you can do:

  • Sign and share the Organizational Letter demanding ICE to release him from detention
  • Sign and share the petition calling for his release
  • Post on your social on about the campaign using material from the Media Tool Kit
  • Making Calls to ICE Field Director in St. Paul Minnesota, Peter Berg at xxx-xxx-xxx
    • Sample Script: “Hello, my name is ___ and I’m calling in support of Jesus Alberto Lopez Gutierrez A#: 204-588-492. I’m urging Peter Berg to release Jesus  from detention and allow him to continue with his DACA application alongside his family and community.” 

If you have any questions or concerns contact Miguel Lopez at 

In solidarity, 

Beto’s Community”

#ReleaseBetoNow – Help Get Him Home!

#ReleaseBetoNow – Help Get Him Home!

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